Is there anything you have dreamed of accomplishing, but the busyness of everyday life kept you from starting? Or finishing?
Tire Tracks was like that, until God used a sad family loss to push me to action.
I have been writing stories about God at work for almost 40 years, and it gives me deep satisfaction when a reader tells me they were touched by my words. I love to make who Jesus is come alive through an entertaining story.
“You should write a book!” friends would tell me.
Someday, I would say to myself, I will have time.
But days turned to months and months turned to years, and still there was no time…until Peter’s dad died in October 2020. Our last conversation with Mr. B, as I affectionately called him, was via Zoom because the nursing home allowed no visitors during COVID-19. He was describing some of his adventures in Alaska and we planned to continue that discussion next time. But there was no next time. The door was suddenly permanently shut to any more details from Mr. B’s life.
In the midst of my grief, it hit me that I could not allow the amazing stories of what Jesus had done in my life to be scattered and lost after I am gone.
So, I offered a gift to the Lord: I would start this book during my one-month sabbatical coming up a few months later. The leadership of the Christian organization we work for recognizes that burnout is common for those in ministry. So, every five years we are allowed to take a period of time set apart for personal development and rest. Shortly after my decision, our organization changed the length of sabbaticals from one month to three months! It seemed like confirmation He wanted me to write this book, and He was giving me time to rest, too.
What is one step you could take this week to move forward on something you would like to accomplish? Do you believe God will meet you there?